Transformative innovations frequently struggle due to unforeseen technical hurdles, lack of market validation, capability gaps in commercialization, and inability to rapidly scale. Revolutionary concepts get derailed by feasibility issues, product-market fit challenges, and execution failures - resulting in immense invested time and capital being wasted.
Innventure's multi-phase vetting framework systematically evaluates and pressure-tests technologies through rigorous qualitative and quantitative analyses. We leverage insider MNC expertise to gain unparalleled insights, while quantifying the full value creation model and competitive dynamics. Our approach relentlessly scrutinizes innovations to identify risks and qualify viability before advancing.
We identify high-potential technologies in your pipeline and create a dedicated external pathway – taking them from lab to market as standalone operating companies.
A high level assessment to determine whether the technology and associated business opportunities meet key criteria and to identify any critical issues that must be resolved to get to an eventual yes.
Identification, assessment, and prioritization of an opportunity’s critical success and risk factors. The output at this stage includes a holistic assessment and determination on whether to proceed. If yes, includes the development plan to quantify critical success factors and mitigate risk.
Quantitative assessment of the immediate new economic value proposition that drives adoption and pro-forma financial model. Output from this stage includes projected incremental profits generated for customers, compelling pricing model required to drive early adoption, business economics, risk factor mitigations and investment requirements.
Set the initial strategy and secure early-stage funding/control of new Innventure Company. Secure rights to the technology via licensing or ownership, install appropriate management team and create the new Innventure Company.